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What We Do?

“Minister God’s Original Intent Of Kingship”

Through God’s covenant with man, he promised to impart gifts to man and allow man’s leadership to execute the will of God on Earth. On the contrary, man’s ability to sustain his role as delegated ruler of the Earth “rest” in his continual faithfulness to God’s word and his obedience to being ruler over all things...

- Genesis 1:26-28

At TOLIKM, we hope to educate communities of all ethnics, age and cultures on how to enhance their life, which will strengthen their spiritual man and prepare the natural man for a fulfilled, mental, emotional, physical and financial life.

How We Do It?

“The Holy Spirit Is Our Teacher Who Leads Us And Guides Us In All Truth”

He is the One who is actively involved in the restitution of all things. The spirit led life is the only answer to walking out our kingship.

Equally important, as followers of Jesus Christ, we must embrace our call and responsibility to be discipled and make disciples; as we are educated by the leading of the Holy Spirit…

- John 16:13

We will teach communities about biblical systems and reveal methods on how to prepare, develop their skills and talents as they enter into their adolescent, manhood and womanhood, marriage and parenthood stage of life.

Whom We Do It For?

We Are Committed To Teaching Good Stewardship Within The Body Of Christ

Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations [help the people to learn of Me, believe in Me, and obey My words], baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…

- Matthew 28:19


We are developing and encouraging communities to love thy neighbor, raise and support their family, disciple the lost, and bridge the gap in their neighborhoods, by teaching others how to live their lives as a child, parents, leaders, servants of God, and entrepreneurs within the Kingdom of God.​

What We Value?

“To promote Love”

Jesus said, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.”…

- Matthew 22:37-40

Christians are a people of decency and of order and we must position ourselves according to the divine order that we have been predestined to live…

- 1 Corinthians 14:40


Our Vison

Beloved, I pray that in every way you may succeed and prosper and be in good health physically, just as I know your soul prospers spiritually.

- 3 John 2

At TOLIKM, our vision is to bring hope to those who are lost, brokenhearted, or have experienced abuse, abandonment, alienation, or false accusations.

We aim to reduce poverty, divorce, homelessness, drug addiction, crime, and domestic violence by empowering singles and strengthening marriages through conferences and workshops.

We strive to provide individuals and families with shelter and resources to help them become positive and effective members of their families and communities.

We work to decrease teenage pregnancy and single parenting while promoting Christian principles, education, and financial stability.

Our greatest vision is to teach the significance of love, grace, and mercy, and how 'The Four P’s': Purpose, Prayer, Praise, and Prosperity can transform relationships with God, family, community, and the Body of Christ.

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